Picture © Kaitlyn Baker
The International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD) submitted a written contribution to the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions on two themes:
- the challenges faced in the context of COVID-19 in relation to the diversity of cultural expressions, both offline and online; and
- the importance of the participation of micro, small and medium-sized cultural and creative enterprises.
The IFCCD recalled that the pandemic, rather than creating new problems, has highlighted and exacerbated existing ones. The support measures put in place by UNESCO member states have been variable. It should be noted that the Federation Secretariat has prepared and published an inventory of these measures.
Finally, the Federation reiterated that it represents a wide variety of members, including micro, small and medium enterprises, and that in the spirit of strengthening existing mechanisms and avoiding duplication, it therefore suggests ensuring that these voices continue to be represented and considered by civil society organizations, rather than multiplying the number of forums in which they would be solicited individually.
Discover the position that the IFCCD has mentioned in this contribution: