CISAC – International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – published in December 2015 a study carried out by EY entitled “Cultural Times – The First Global Map of Cultural and Creative Industries”.

This study, the first of its kind, assesses the economic and social contribution of culture and creation at the global level. It analyses 11 key sectors (visual arts, architecture, books, music, cinema, performing arts, newspapers/magazines, radio, television, video games, advertising) in Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, and Africa and the Middle East.

The study shows that the contribution of the cultural and creative sectors to the global economy is major: the cultural and creative (CCI) sectors generate higher revenues than telecommunications services globally (US$2.25 trillion versus US$1.57 trillion) and employ more people than the automotive industry in Europe, Japan and the United States combined (US$29.5 million versus US$25 million).

It concludes that creators must be fairly compensated, at their fair value, for the use and exploitation of their works. It is a matter of survival for them, an absolute condition for them to continue to contribute to culture and the economy.


    Cultural Times : The First Global Map of Cultural and Creative Industries

    8 December 2015
    Economy of Culture, Cultural and Creative Industries