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The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) wholeheartedly welcome the adoption of the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market by the European Parliament.

After years of debates and heated campaigns, MEPs adopted yesterday a critical piece of legislation that aims at adapting the copyright to the digital world. The directive, when implemented in Member States, will ensure that creators, including authors, artists and creative workers can earn a fair living from their creative work in the digital age.

The ECCD thanks MEPs for endorsing this text that is so essential for underpinning cultural diversity and that goes to the very heart and soul of EU cultural creation.

Quote :
Carole Tongue, Chair of the European Coalitions says : « Creators will be able to enjoy a fairer share of the internet’s huge revenues and thus create more diverse works for all of us. We now look forward to the directive’s implementation in each and every Member State of the EU ».

Press contact International : Laure Gicquel –

    The European Parliament said YES to copyright

    European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD)
    27 March 2019
    Copyright, Digital