IFCCD will contribute with its expertise to the work of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development (EMRTD), at the occasion of its tenth session to take place from 28  to 30 October 2024 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Ahead of an upcoming EMRTD study on Artificial Intelligence, Regulation, and the Right to Development, and on behalf of IFCCD, Carole Tongue will participate in the EMRTD thematic discussion entitled Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Rights and Regulation. At this occasion, she will underline the importance of integrating cultural rights in the context of the creative ecosystems in the related processes. In particular, the right to enjoy the arts, and the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any […] literary or artistic production of which [one] is the author – without discrimination (Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) art. 27 and 2). Carole Tongue is President of the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) and the Chair of the UK Coalition for Cultural Diversity (UKCCD).

Save the date: The meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 29 October 2024, from 15 h to 16 h30 (Geneva). It will be recorded live on UN WebTV.

    IFCCD will contribute with its expertise to the work of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development

    4 October 2024