The IFCCD participated in Mondiacult 2022’s official programming
On September 28, the IFCCD was part of the side event From Policy to Practice: The Role of Culture in the 2030 Agenda and Beyond. Moderated by Ivana Otasevic, Assistant Director of the UNESCO Chair on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, the event began with the presentation of a practical guide for the Canadian cultural sector to support it in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This guide was developed by Professor Paolo Granata for the UNESCO Canadian Commission, in partnership with a working group in which the IFCCD actively participated.
Secondly, the Culture2030Goal campaign took place by bringing together a group of global cultural networks including, in addition to the IFCCD, the Culture Commission of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the International Music Council (IMC), the Arterial Network, Culture Action Europe (CAE) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). The group officially launched the first zero-draft of a potential culture-centered development goal, which aims at a closer involvement of the cultural sector in policy planning and implementation.
The General Secretary of the Federation, Marie-Julie Desrochers, highlighted the intrinsic relationship between sustainable development and diversity of cultural expressions.
The campaign to include culture “as a specific objective in its own right” in the next United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is a first notable achievement for the network, which intends to continue its efforts in this direction in the months to come.
On the same day, Federation President Beat Santschi spoke at the thematic conference entitled Renewed and Strengthened Cultural Policies. He called for full recognition of the cultural sector, saying that artists and cultural professionals everywhere should enjoy the same rights as all other workers.
Finally, on September 29, Beat Santschi participated in the side event Culture as a Global Public Good: A Human Centered Agenda for Cultural Policies, organized by the Interagency Platform for Culture and Sustainable Development. He argued that all stakeholders, including the private sector, have a role to play in enabling a viable and diverse cultural ecosystem in the digital environment.
The IFCCD in the Side Events presented before the Conference
On September 23, the Federation participated in an event organized by Creatividad y Cultura Glocal named REdU40 Mexico: Civil Society Participation for the Implementation of the 2005 UNESCO Convention. Céline de Dianous, Communications and Events Manager at the Federation, highlighted the need for collaboration between civil society networks to make the 2005 Convention as widely known as possible.
On September 27 morning, the event Fair Culture – a Key to sustainable development, organized by the German Commission for UNESCO in partnership with various groups, including the IFCCD, brought together dozens of speakers to discuss the potential of transposing the concept of fair trade to culture. The holder of the UNESCO Research Chair on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Véronique Guèvremont, presented a report she produced on this issue, Fair culture: a Key to sustainable development. The Federation’s Secretary General, Marie-Julie Desrochers, led the discussions that took place in the session on the Diversity of cultural expressions and the cultural value chain in the digital age in connection with the concept of fair culture. Recommendations were published at the end of the conference. These include the desire to establish, as a first step, a charter with concrete objectives to achieve a fair cultural sector.
Lastly, on September 27 afternoon, the Culture2030Goal campaign brought together several government stakeholders and members of civil society at the Colegio San Ildefonso to have an in-depth discussion on the links between culture and sustainable development and to present a preliminary zero-draft of a sustainable development goal focused on culture.
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