The Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (CDCE) brings together the main French- and English-speaking professional organizations in the cultural sector in Canada. It is composed of 40 organizations that collectively represent the interests of 200,000 professionals and 2,200 companies in the book, film, television, new media, music, performing arts and visual arts sectors.
Concerned as much about the economic health of the cultural sector as about the vitality of cultural creation, the CDCE intervenes mainly to ensure that cultural goods and services are excluded from trade negotiations and that the diversity of cultural expressions is present in the digital environment.
At the international level, the CDCE has played a fundamental role in ensuring that the dual economic, symbolic and identity value of cultural goods and services is recognized and in creating a movement that led to the adoption of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions at UNESCO in 2005. The CDCE then made efforts to convince cultural professionals from all continents to create their own coalition to encourage their government to support the Convention. The CDCE now provides the secretariat of the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD), which has about 30 members around the world.