Racines is a Moroccan non-profit association working for the integration of culture into public policies for human, social and economic development. 

The projects developed by Racines are structured around different themes and commitments: cultural policies (research, advocacy, mapping), arts and culture for social development, entrepreneurship, training and capacity building for actors, freedom of artistic expression, rights and status of the artist.

Racines advocates on the national, regional and international levels for :

  • The promotion of access to culture for all as a universal human right.
  • The promotion of culture as a vehicle for democracy and human, social and economic development.
  • The implementation of effective and appropriate cultural policies.
  • The promotion of cultural diversity.
  • A true cultural economy and viable creative industries for artists and professionals.
  • The status of artists, their rights and for freedom of expression and creation.

Racines aims to support initiatives of cultural actors and cultural professionals, public, private or academic, in Morocco and internationally (particularly in Africa, the Arab World and the Mediterranean region) in order to:

  • Build and develop effective advocacy networks for the cultural and creative sector.
  • Collect, update and disseminate information, data and documents relevant to decision-makers, cultural organizations and professionals in Morocco and Africa.
  • Stimulate and organize debates on the arts, culture, creative industries in Morocco and Africa in order to build and develop Moroccan and African leaderships on these issues.
  • Help to build national, regional, continental and international circuits (festivals, meetings, etc…), to disseminate Moroccan and African cultural goods and services and enable artists to disseminate their creations.
  • Contribute to the training and development of human resources in cultural professions in Morocco and Africa.
  • Mobilize Moroccan, African and international resources to support the development, promotion and dissemination of Moroccan and African creative goods and services.
  • Improve working and living conditions, and to defend the rights of artists and cultural professionals in Morocco and on the African continent.
  • Participate in the popularization of the arts among Moroccan and African audiences.
  • Participate in meetings, conferences, debates and forums on “culture and development” issues in Morocco and internationally.